Who are cold clients, warm and hot clients, how do these categories of clients differ from each other. Surely you have already heard these terms and want to understand, and your customer base is what kind of customers? Unfortunately, there is some confusion about this, and even some marketers are partially misinterpreting it. With the help of Step Link's experts, we've broken down the customer categories.
Cold customers
Cold customers are people who are not interested in your company and buying any goods and services from you. Most likely, they do not know about the existence of the company and its activities. As a rule, this is the most difficult type of clients. Working with them is one of the least favourite duties of sales managers.
You've probably heard such a term as ‘cold calls’. It's what they call communicating with customers who have never been interested in your company. Managers are forced to call people and offer its products or services, Step Link dropshipping experts told Step Link. At the first stage of communication, a person who does not want to buy anything should be moved to the category of at least listening. ‘Cold’ customers are often cautious and wary of new offers. That's why your task is to first get them interested, stir up their interest and only then offer them your product or service.
Warm customers
Warm customers are people who are interested in your company or the product it produces.
These are customers who are planning a purchase, but they haven't quite decided:
which product model to choose;
which brand to favour;
whether to buy from you or one of your competitors;
how much money they are ready to spend on the product, etc.
This category of customers is considered to be the most numerous, noted the managers of Step Link company. They know they want to make a purchase, but have not yet made a final decision. A potential buyer is a person who no longer needs to be persuaded. But you should help them take the final step and at the same time encourage them to buy related products. Such customers should be recommended, counselled, coaxed a little and presented your product at its best.
Where to look for such customers? On specialised forums, in social network communities dedicated to this or that product, and other resources, the purpose of which is directly related to what is offered in the company's catalogues.
Who are hot customers
Hot customers, unlike warm customers, already know exactly what they want to buy. They have already decided on the model, characteristics, looked at reviews of this product, etc. If the user is in the category of ‘hot’, you do not need to look for him, he finds you himself. It remains only to complete the matter - to provide him with such an offer that even the last doubts will dissipate in no time.
Hot customers are directly oriented on purchasing the offered service or products. As a rule, they do not need to be persuaded at all. The salesperson's task is not to make any mistakes that will turn them away from your company.